Prices reception 2025
AccommodationPrice weekdays SUN-THU with breakfastPrice weekdays SUN-THU with breakfast and dinnerWeekend price FRI-SAT with breakfastWeekend price FRI-SAT with breakfast and dinner
Deluxe studio /2+2/350 BGN420 BGN420 BGN475 BGN
Deluxe studio /1+2/260 BGN320 BGN320 BGN350 BGN
Premium studio /2+2/365 BGN450 BGN450 BGN520 BGN
Premium studio /1+2/280 BGN340 BGN340 BGN375 BGN
Junior suite /2+2/380 BGN470 BGN470 BGN540 BGN
Junior suite /1+2/300 BGN360 BGN360 BGN400 BGN
One Bedroom Apartment /2+2/315 BGN375 BGN375 BGN440 BGN
One Bedroom Apartment /1+2/240 BGN300 BGN300 BGN335 BGN
Modernized Standard Studio /2+1/385 BGN470 BGN430 BGN535 BGN
Modernized Standard Studio /1+1/320 BGN400 BGN360 BGN435 BGN
Modernized Deluxe Studio /2+2/440 BGN530 BGN490 BGN585 BGN
Modernized Deluxe Studio /1+2/350 BGN430 BGN390 BGN460 BGN
Modernized Premium Studio /2+2/455 BGN560 BGN520 BGN620 BGN
Modernized Premium Studio /1+2/370 BGN450 BGN410 BGN485 BGN
Modernized Junior suite /2+2/470 BGN580 BGN540 BGN625 BGN
Modernized Junior suite /1+2/390 BGN470 BGN430 BGN510 BGN
VIP Apartment / 2+2/825 BGN935 BGN935 BGN1 045 BGN
VIP Apartment / 1+2/575 BGN655 BGN655 BGN735 BGN

The price is per night per room and includes:
Breakfast or breakfast and dinner, SPA Center with an outdoor swimming pool with mineral water, an indoor swimming
pool with mineral water, a pool with water effects, another with salt from the Dead Sea, and three hot mini pools. In
addition – Steam bath, Finnish sauna, Russian sauna, Cedar wood sauna, Tepidarium, Fitness room, Relax chamber,
parking, tourist tax, 9% VAT.

Children up to 11.99 years old are free of charge.
Surcharge for 3rd adult on extra bed:
With breakfast included: BGN 70 per night
With breakfast and dinner included: BGN 110 per night

Rates are valid for accommodation from 01.02.2025 – 20.12.2025, excluding the periods of national and official
holidays and special packages.
